Three Common Analytics Techniques in Use

There are very many ways to measure your analytics. Through this post I will be going through three differing approaches.

Click-Through Rate (CTR) - This is how long It takes for user to skip past your advertisement (Dickey, 2017). If users are skipping your ad within seconds it is likely that you are targeting the wrong group of people.

Traffic - This is the amount of attention garnered on your products webpage. There are five main forms of traffic including: Organic, referral, social, paid and direct (Dickey, 2017). When looking at these is important to determine which gives you the highest amount of traffic and identify the week areas where you may be able to improve.

Site Load Speed - As the name suggests this is how long it takes for your web page to load. It is scientifically proven that human beings will get fed up if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load a webpage (David, 2016). There are various websites that allow you to check this.

Conclusion - Similarly to evaluating effectiveness there is no definitive method of measuring your analytics. Measuring all the statistics separately and trying to improve them all is the best approach.


Dickey, M., 2021. 5 Digital Marketing Analytics That Actually Matter. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" digital-marketing-analytics=""> [Accessed 1 May 2021]. </https:>

David, K., 2016. Google: 53% of mobile users abandon sites that take over 3 seconds to load. [online] Marketing Dive. Available at: <https:"" news="" google-53-of-mobile-users-abandon-sites-that-take-over-3-seconds-to-load="" 426070="" #:~:text="New%20research%20by%20Google%20has,seconds%20on%20a%204G%20connection."> [Accessed 1 May 2021]. </https:>

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