Week 8

Over this week I created my background and cutscene sprites, I did this through various methods. I will break this blog into two separate groups each covering a separate method. 


The background I created were for the first level and the main menus. These can be grouped together as there are two variants on the same screen. For the main city area I created a rough diagram with adobe animate as always converted it into piskel and then made the necessary adjustments. I then created a cropped version for the main menu. Then I created the future variant. This was done by editing the regular version with more dull colours. Then destroying a lot of the background detail to make it look more withered.


Some of the cut scenes Were using the backgrounds that were already created I found this would be a good method to save time. For the future sprites I took various different approaches. One was created using the regular adobe animate method, 

The other was created using using a free to use photograph of a city that was then compressed and edited. I found the both sides had different benefits and overall the mesh together quite well. 

I do think that overall the one created using anime was better however the photograph one was a lot quicker to make.

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