Two Mobile Marketing Channels and Techniques

Although email marketing is important now it is a part of mobile marketing, as almost everything technological we use in a day can be accessed from our phone. One of the most important ways of marketing your games through  the mobile platform is optimising all of your pages to work well from a mobile phone.

There are two main ways of marketing on the mobile platform.

App Based Marketing - This is where an advertisement would show up within an application this may include a game banner being placed on Facebook or a small trailer getting played on Twitter.

In-Game Mobile Marketing - This is where you include ads within another game. The largest amount of time spent on phones is within game applications (Marrs, 2020). So advertising on this is the best way to cater to a consumer base who may already be interested.


I believe it would be better to market my game with the second method as I personally find I will only download a game on phone if it’s been advertised on another game. I also believe my game will be slightly more niche for advertising on a platform like Facebook may not best optimise who I am advertising to.


Marrs, M., 2020. What Is Mobile Marketing & Why Does it Matter So Much?. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" ws="" 2013="" 08="" 19="" what-is-mobile-marketing=""> [Accessed 11 April 2021]. </https:>


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